
451 Research: Highlights on Multicloud Security from Voice of the Enterprise

The 2023 Voice of the Enterprise: Information Security, Cloud Security study from 451 Research provides valuable insights into the evolving landscape of cloud security. As organizations increasingly adopt multicloud strategies, they face new challenges in securing their cloud infrastructure across multiple platforms.

The report highlights the key pain points organizations encounter, with the most cited being the difficulty in using the proprietary security stack at each cloud provider (21%). This complexity is compounded by the need for specialized expertise for each platform, making it challenging for security teams to effectively monitor and protect their assets.

Despite these challenges, organizations are allocating a larger portion of their budgets to cloud security, with the average percentage rising to 40% in 2023. This increased investment appears to be paying off, with a growing number of respondents expressing confidence in the public cloud’s ability to support even high-risk projects.

To maintain a strong security posture, organizations are employing a combination of default security tools from cloud providers, premium security capabilities from hyperscalers, and third-party security tools. However, the report notes that only 49% of these third-party tools are usable across multiple clouds, underscoring the need for more comprehensive and adaptable solutions.

As organizations look to the future, the report indicates planned investments in cloud-native application protection platforms and cloud infrastructure entitlement management. By staying ahead of the curve and adopting a proactive approach to cloud security, organizations can better navigate the complexities of the multicloud landscape and safeguard their assets against evolving threats.

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